Developer Reporting
These reports will help developers with the development and versioning of their application artefacts.
Typical questions that fit in this category relate to simplifying the retrieval of components and component attributes currently being developed, such as: How can I get a complete overview of all components I’m working on (instead of going over all those ISPF panels in maybe a dozen of change packages)? Some real world situations to illustrate the reasons for this question, which standard report MYCOMPS may answer, are:
- Show me all my package components in a single report (what I can see in the S2-display and all of its related staging outputs, like loads, DBRMs, etc).
- My changed components are stored in multiple packages (and some of them with different versions) and I want a consolidated view of all my changes (e.g. to resolve version conflicts).
Reports in this category
- APPRBYME - Packages approved by me.
- CMPHIST - Component history report.
- CMPSALL - ALL package components.
- CMPSSOC - SRC-LOD package components.
- CMPUPDPO - Component updates in packages from others.
- CMPVRSNS - Component versions report.
- CMPSDFZ – All components in all DFZ pkgs
- MYCOMPS - DEV components I am working on.
- MYPKGS - All packages created by RPTUSER.
- PKGNOSPL - Non-simple packages.
- SCRTCHRQ - Scratch requests.