Component Attribute Errors
In certain situations some component attributes (like staging procedure, some user option, etc.) or component history entries may have become incomplete or invalid, e.g. because of a customization change or due to a ChangeMan ZMF release upgrade. These reports will create an inventory of all such components.
Typical questions that fit in this category relate to identifying impacted components, such as: Which components have some invalid or missing component attribute? Some real world situations to illustrate the reasons for this question, which standard report PRCRECMP (or SRCNOHST) may answer, are:
- As part of the upgrade to ChangeMan ZMF 6.1, the conversion utility for CMNPMAST/CMNCMPNT did not initialize the staging procedure for components recompiled from baseline (because in prior releases this information was not stored).
- In pre ChangeMan ZMF 6.1 releases, only the 24 most recent occurrences of component history were maintained (in CMNCMPNT). Due to which the ChangeMan ZMF 6.1 component history conversion program only created a component history entry for the 24 most recent occurrences.
- Due to some customization error in a user option panel, some user option has an invalid (or missing) value.
Reports in this category
- PRCRECMP - Recompiles without staging procedures.
- SRCNOHST - SRC Components missing in CMNCMPNT.
- USROPTS - Incorrect user option values.
- VVMM0000 - Components with VV.MM=00.00.