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Orphan component promotion history

Summary: List all component promotion history for all DFZ packages, related to an obsoleted promotion level.

Report ID: 
Report Specs: 

Orphan component promotion history - specs

Report Variables: 

Orphan component promotion history - report variables
Specifying values for report variables can be done using the edit vars feature, for which two options exist:

  • option P will bring up an ISPF pop-up panel. Checkout components deleted from STG without demote for an illustration of this option.
  • option I will invoke the standard ISPF editor (as illustrated above). Using this option, the specification of values can be done using any REXX compliant assign statement, which adds another dimension to the power of report variables.
Report Output: 

Orphan component promotion history - output (XML basket)

asr_report | by Dr. Radut